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荣成市特种橡塑制品厂专业生产各种规格、材质的橡胶板、运输带、胶辊、胶件、密封圈、异形件,是以硅胶产品为主,丁晴橡胶、天然橡胶、其他胶种多元化经营发展的综合性橡胶制品制造企业。荣成市特种橡塑制品厂始建于1998年,是一家集研发、生产、维修、销售为一体的综合性橡胶制品制造企业,凭借在此领域的专业水平和成熟的技术迅速崛起,产品在全国多省市得到各行业客户的肯定,其中部分硅胶产品更是远销海外,深得业界好评。Rongcheng Special Rubber and Plastic Products Factory was established in 1998, a comprehensive enterprise manufacturing rubber and plastic products and integrating researching, developing, servicing, and selling. Our enterprise is growing up at dramatic speed thanks to our professionalism and mature technologies in this field. Our products have received acknowledgement from clients in various industries, and some silica gel products were even exported to other countries and appraised tremendously by experts.地址:山东省荣成市石岛工业园区凤舞路电话:18660322518电子邮箱:[email protected]... [详细介绍]